High Technology, Inc.
109 Production Road,
Walpole MA USA 02081
Document Number
Revision Level
Rev. 3
Prepared By
J.S. Bolio
Approved By
S. Titov
Effective date
Operator’s Manual: HTI BioChem FC-360
Page 94 of 217
The same options are available for washings between different reagents. Select from the general list of
methods the one that is causing the interference. Then click in the Washing field, enter the extra number
of washes, press Enter. It is recommended to enter 1 or 2 extra washes and no more than 3. After that,
click on Solution column and write the wash solution name, press the Enter key.
Finally click on Time column enter a number in seconds that the wash solution will be inside the probe,
press the Enter key.
: The method that’s being interfered is the one that has to be programmed. For instance, let’s
assume the glucose is interfering calcium. Go to methods’ configuration, select calcium from the list, and
go to
tab, in the list on the right search for glucose and add the number of extra washings and
solution to use. This way each time a calcium is made after a glucose, and extra wash will be performed
before running the calcium. (If the sequence is Glucose->Calcium, there will be an extra wash, if the
sequence is Glucose-> method x-
> Calcium, there won’t be an extra wash)
Figure 8-16
ISE Methods Settings (Optional)
ISE Module measures the potentials developed when the sample is positioned in the electrodes. Next,
Calibrant A is positioned in the electrodes. The difference in the two potentials is related logarithmically to
the concentration of the measured ions in the sample divided by their respective concentrations in the
calibrant solution.
General Tab (ISE)
Write the method’s name (Ex: ISE) in the blank field on the top of the window (to the left of the Add
button) Select in the drop down list ISE type. Fill in the
field (Ex: ISE) and complete
. The method will appear in the field to the left of the
button, included in the general list
of methods.