Electrical installation
4.4 Introduction to EMC
Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
Figure 4-2
Definition of categories C1 to C4
Table 4-1
Definition of environments 1 and 2
Definition of environments 1 and 2
Environment 1
Residential buildings or locations at which the drive system is connected to
a public low-voltage supply network without a transformer.
Environment 2
Industrial locations supplied by a medium-voltage network via a separate
Table 4-2
Definition of categories C1 to C4
Definition of categories C1 to C4
Category C1
Rated voltage <1000 V; unrestricted use in environment 1.
Category C2
Rated voltage for stationary drive systems <1000 V; for use in environment
2. For use in environment 1 only when sold and installed by skilled
Category C3
Rated voltage <1000 V; use in environment 2 only.
Category C4
Rated voltage ≥1000 V or for rated currents ≥ 400 A in complex systems in
environment 2.