Functions, monitoring, and protective functions
9.4 Extended functions
Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
In this case the direction of approach to the reference zero mark is the opposite to the
axes with reference cams!
External zero mark present (p0495 ≠ 0), no reference cam (p2607 = 0):
Synchronization to an external zero mark begins as soon as the signal at binector input
p2595 (start homing) is detected. The drive accelerates to the velocity specified in
parameter p2608 (zero mark approach velocity) in the direction specified by the signal of
the binector input p2604 (search for reference start direction).
The drive synchronizes to the first external zero mark (p0495). The drive continues at the
same speed and travel to the reference point is started (see step 3).
The velocity override is inoperative during this process.
Parameter p0495 (equivalent zero mark at input terminal) can be used to set an
equivalent zero mark and to select the corresponding digital input. The 0/1 edge is
evaluated with increasing actual position values and the 1/0 edge with falling actual
position values as standard. This can be inverted for an equivalent zero mark using
parameter p0490 (measurement probe or equivalent zero mark).
Search for reference, step 3: travel to reference point
Travel to the reference point is started when the drive has successfully synchronized to
the reference zero mark (see step 2). Once the reference zero mark has been detected,
the drive accelerates on-the-fly to the reference point approach velocity set in parameter
p2611. The reference point offset (p2600), the distance between the zero mark and
reference point, is extended.
Once the axis has reached the reference point, the actual and setpoint position value is
set to the value specified at connector input p2598 (reference point coordinates)
(connector input p2598 is linked to setting parameter p2599 as standard). The axis is
then homed and the status signal r2684.11 (reference point set) set.
The velocity override is inoperative during this process.
If the braking distance is longer than the reference point offset or a direction reversal is
required as a result of the selected reference point offset, then, after the reference zero
mark has been detected, the drive initially brakes to standstill and then travels back.