Functions, monitoring, and protective functions
9.4 Extended functions
Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
Homing or adjustment
Setting reference point (with stationary axis)
(separate mode including reversing cam functionality, automatic reversal of direction,
homing to "cams and encoder zero mark" or only "encoder zero mark" or "external
zero mark (BERO)")
Flying referencing
(superimposed homing possible during "normal" traversing with the aid of the
measurement probe evaluation (normally evaluation of a BERO, for example).
Superimposed function for the modes "Jog", "Direct setpoint specification / MDI" and
"Traversing blocks".
Homing with incremental measuring systems
Absolute encoder adjustment
Traversing blocks mode (64 traversing blocks)
Positioning by means of traversing blocks stored in the device, including continuation
conditions and specific jobs for previously homed axis
Traversing block editor using STARTER
A traversing block contains the following information:
Job number
Task (e.g. position, wait, GOTO set jump, set binary outputs)
Motion parameters (target position, override speed for acceleration and deceleration)
Mode (e.g.: skip block, continuation conditions such as "Continue_with_stop" and
Job parameters (e.g. wait time, block step conditions)
Direct setpoint specification mode (MDI)
Positioning (absolute, relative) and setting-up (endless closed-loop position control)
using direct setpoint inputs (e.g. via the PLC or process data)
It is always possible to influence the motion parameters during traversing (on-the-fly
setpoint acceptance) as well as on-the-fly change between the Setup and Positioning
Jog mode
Position-controlled traversing of the axis with the switchable modes "Endless position-
controlled" or "Incremental jog" (to traverse an "increment")
Standard PROFIdrive positioning telegrams are available (telegrams 7, 9 and 110), the
selection of which automatically establishes the internal "connection" to the basic
Control using PROFIdrive telegrams 7 and 110.
The "basic positioner" function module can be activated by running the commissioning
Wizard. Parameter r0108.4 indicates whether the function module has been activated.