Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
Actual torque value (M_Act, M_Act_SMOOTH)
Actual torque value with 16-bit resolution incl. sign bit.
Bit 15 determines the actual value sign:
Bit = 0 -> positive actual value
Bit = 1 -> negative actual value
The actual torque value is normalized via parameter p2003.
M_act = 4000 hex or 16384 dec = torque in p2003
Actual power value (P_Act, P_Act_SMOOTH)
Actual power value with 16-bit resolution incl. sign bit.
Bit 15 determines the actual value sign:
Bit = 0 -> positive actual value
Bit = 1 -> negative actual value
The actual power value is normalized via parameter p2004.
P_act = 4000 hex or 16384 dec = power in p2004
Alarm code (WARN_CODE)
The number of the current alarm and the last alarm to occur are output here. Decimal
notation is used (i.e. value 7910 dec = A07910 (motor overtemperature)).
Fault code (FAULT_CODE)
The number of the oldest fault still active is output here. Decimal notation is used (i.e. value
7860 dec = F07860 (external fault 1)).