Functions, monitoring, and protective functions
9.4 Extended functions
Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
Fixed stop is not reached
If the braking point is reached without the "fixed stop reached" status being acknowledged,
then the fault F07485 "Fixed stop is not reached" is output with fault reaction OFF1, the
torque limit is cancelled and the drive cancels the traversing block.
The fault can be changed into a warning (see chapter: "Message configuration" in the
Commissioning Manual IH1), so that the drive continues processing with the specified block
The target point must be sufficiently far inside the workpiece.
The "traverse to fixed stop" traversing task can be interrupted and continued using the
"intermediate stop" signal at the binector input p2640. The block is cancelled using the
binector input signal p2641 "Reject traversing task" or by removing the controller enable. In
all of these cases, the drive is correspondingly braked. When canceling occurs, it is ensured
that an almost-achieved fixed stop (setpoint already beyond the fixed stop, but still within the
threshold for fixed stop detection) will not result in damage. To do this, the setpoint is
updated after the standstill (position setpoint = actual position value). As soon as the fixed
stop is reached, the drive remains in fixed stop even after cancellation. It can be moved on
from the fixed stop using jogging or by selecting a new traversing task.
The fixed stop monitoring window (p2635) is only activated when the drive is in fixed stop
and remains active until the fixed stop is exited.
Vertical axes
With asymmetrical torque limits p1522 and p1523, when traversing to fixed stop, the fixed
weight is taken into account in the parameters r2686 and r2687.
If, for example, with a suspended load, the values of p1522 = +1000 Nm and of p1523 = -
200 Nm are specified, then a fixed weight of 400 Nm (p1522 - p1523) is assumed. If the
clamping torque is now configured as 400 Nm, then, during active traversing to fixed stop,
r2686[0] is set with the value 80 % and r2686[1] with the value 0 % and r2687 with the value
800 Nm.