Functions, monitoring, and protective functions
9.4 Extended functions
Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
The following parameters are relevant:
p2616[x]: Block Number
p2618[x]: Velocity
p2619[x]: Acceleration override
p2623[x]: Task mode
Jerk limitation can be activated (command parameter = 1) or deactivated (task parameter =
0) by means of the JERK task. The signal at the binector input p2575 "Active jerk limitation"
must be set to zero. The value parameterized in "jerk limit" (p2574) is the jerk limit.
A precise stop is always carried out here regardless of the parameterized continuation
condition of the task preceding the JERK task.
The following parameters are relevant:
p2616[x]: Block Number
p2622[x]: Task parameter = 0 or 1
Possible continuation conditions include END, CONTINUE_WITH_STOP,
The WAIT task can be used to define a waiting period which should expire before the next
task is executed.
The following parameters are relevant:
p2616[x]: Block Number
p2622[x]: Task parameter = wait time in milliseconds ≥ 0 ms
p2623[x]: Task mode
The delay time is entered in milliseconds - but is rounded-off to a multiple of the interpolator
clock cycles p0115[5]. The minimum delay time is one interpolation clock cycle; this means
that if a delay time is parameterized, which is less than an interpolation clock cycle, then the
system waits for one interpolation clock cycle.
Wait time: 9 ms
Interpolation cycle: 4 ms
Effective wait time: 12 ms
Regardless of the parameterized continuation condition of the task preceding the WAIT task,
a precise stop is always carried out here before the wait time. The WAIT task can be
executed by an external block change.
Possible continuation conditions include END, CONTINUE_WITH_STOP,
CONTINUE_EXTERNAL_ALARM. The alarm is triggered when "External block change" has
still not been issued after the waiting time has elapsed.