External Database Maintenance
cx (e
ril 20
2. Double-click
Administrative Tools
3. Start the following services:
Novell ZENworks Server
Novell ZENworks Services
Novell ZENworks Embedded Datastore
, and
Novell ZENworks Agent
On Linux:
At the console prompt, enter the following commands:
/etc/init.d/./novell-zenmntr restart
/etc/init.d/./novell-zenserver restart
/etc/init.d/./novell-zenloader restart
/etc/init.d/./sybase-asa restart
The ZENworks Server now points to new database.
35.5 Configuring the ZENworks Server to Point
to the New MS SQL Database Containing Data
Moved from Another MS SQL Database
If you move the data from one MS SQL database to another MS SQL database, the ZENworks
Server must be configured to point to the new MS SQL database.
The following sections provide detailed information:
Section 35.5.1, “Preparing to Move the Data,” on page 327
Section 35.5.2, “Configuring the ZENworks Server to Point to the New MS SQL Database,” on
page 328
35.5.1 Preparing to Move the Data
Before configuring the server to point the new MS SQL database, do the following:
Make sure that ZENworks 10 Configuration Management is installed (on Windows or Linux)
with an MS SQL database. The data is migrated from this database to another MS SQL
database. Assume that this device is called MSDB1.
Make sure that you have another Windows device with an MS SQL database installed. Assume
that this device is called MSDB2. For more information on how to install an MS SQL database,
see “
Installing an External ZENworks Database
” in the
ZENworks 10 Configuration
Management Installation Guide
Move the data from MSDB1 to MSDB2. For more information about moving the data, see the
MS SQL database documentation.