ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
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With login disabled, no attempt is made to authenticate to the Management Zone when the user
logs in through the Microsoft or Novell client.
(Conditional) If you want to disable the ZENworks login prompt that appears if login through
the Microsoft client or Novell client fails, add the following DWORD value:
Value name:
Value data:
Any non-zero value (for example, 1, 2, 3, 100)
Normally, the Adaptive Agent attempts to authenticate the user to the zone by using the
credentials entered in the Microsoft or Novell client. If login fails, the ZENworks login prompt
is displayed in order to give the user an opportunity to authenticate with different credentials.
This value setting disables the ZENworks login prompt.
32.5 Troubleshooting User Authentication
This section contains explanation on some of the user authentication related problems. To
troubleshoot other problems you might encounter during authentication, see TID 3273870 in the
Novell Support Knowledgebase (http://support.novell.com/search/kb_index.jsp)
“Incorrect username displayed in the ZENworks Login screen” on page 278
“Unable to log in to the ZENworks Server” on page 279
“Large number of concurrent client logins might result in login failures” on page 279
“How do I enable debug logs on Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista devices?”
on page 280
“How do I enable the CASA debug logs?” on page 280
“Logging in to the user source on a ZENworks Server is slow” on page 280
“Unable to log into the ZENworks Server when logging in to a Windows Vista device” on
page 280
“The settings assigned to an eDirectory user are not applied on the device where the user has
logged in” on page 281
“ZENworks login screen is displayed on a device if Novell Client has been uninstalled from the
device” on page 281
“Using a Smart Card to authenticate in to a device prompts the user to specify the eDirectory
password” on page 281
Incorrect username displayed in the ZENworks Login screen
Explanation: The
option in the ZENworks Login screen displays the Windows
local username by default.
Possible Cause: If you changed only the full name of the user (
My Computer
System Tools
Local Users and Groups
Full Name
), the ZENworks login
screen displays the old username and not the new full name.
Action: To change the local user account details, you must change both the username
and the full name of the user:
Click the desktop
menu >
In the Run window, specify
control userpasswords2
, then click