(75 & 90 HP)
Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
Air flow rate signal trend
In the digital air flow meter, the signal sent to the engine management control unit features an
amplitude of 5 V and is frequency-variable (1.4 kHz and 12 kHz).
An increase in inlet air flow rate is matched by an increase in the frequency of the output
signal from the meter (and, as a result, a decrease in the period value).
Air flow rate
Frequency output
Digital air flow meter: AIR FLOW RATE signal
To measure and check the signal amplitude (voltage: 5 V), a graphic voltmeter is needed. To
measure the frequency value, you will just need to use a multimeter with selection of the
frequency measurement and the respective prods connected as follows: one to the air flow
meter ground pin; one to the air flow rate signal pin.
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