Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
When travelling on snow-covered roads with the snow-chains fitted to the wheels, the ASR
can be switched off: under these conditions, the driving wheel slip during the pick-up phase
makes it possible to achieve better traction.
To ensure correct operation of the ASR system, all the tyres should be of the same type on all
the wheels; moreover, they should be in perfect conditions and, above all, of the prescribed
type, make and dimensions.
6.5.4 M.S.R
This function is an integral part to the ASR and comes into operation in case of a sudden shift-
down, by delivering torque to the engine again. Thus, excessive driving wheel drag is avoided,
which may cause the vehicle’s loss of grip, especially in poor grip conditions.
6.5.5 Hill Holder
The “Hill-holder” function, combined with the ESP system, assists the driver in starting the
vehicle uphill. This function combines the information gained, through special sensors, from
the pedal unit, gearbox and engine management control unit, so as to automatically deliver the
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