8-VALVE 1.4
Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
1. Sensor
2. Output signal
3. Signal corresponding to the two missing teeth
Electric features
4. Drive shaft pulley with phonic wheel
The sensor output voltage peak value depends, other factors being equal, on the distance
between the sensor and the tooth (gap).
Sixty teeth are obtained on the phonic wheel; two of these teeth are removed so as to make a
reference: the wheelbase will therefore correspond to an angle of 6° (360° divided by 60
The synchronism point is recognized at the end of the first tooth following the space of two
missing teeth: when the latter passes below sensor, the engine’s piston pair 1-4 will be found
at 114° before the T.D.C.
resistance = 1134 ÷ 1386
at 20°C.
gb Fiat Grande Punto OK
250 / 532
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The distance (gap), required to obtain correct signals, between the sensor end and the phonic
wheel shall be in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 mm.