Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
“Resume” function:
this function makes it possible to resume, by pressing the “RES” button,
the latest vehicle speed value stored by the Cruise Control if the latter has not been switched
off due to particular conditions (e.g. pressing the brake or clutch pedal). If the gearbox is of the
mechanic type, it is recommended that the same speed previously selected is maintained.
If a speed value has not yet been stored into the memory or the vehicle conditions do not
permit this, pressing the button will produce no effect at all.
“ON/OFF” function:
this function makes it possible to actuate and deactivate the Cruise
Control system by actuating the ring switch.
Manual switch-off
Main ring switch set to “OFF”;
engine switch-off or key-OFF;
action on the brakes (including the handbrake): the latest set speed will remain stored in the
memory (it can be recalled by pressing the resume (“RES”) button);
action on the clutch: the latest set speed will remain stored in the memory (it can be recalled
by pressing the resume (“RES”) button);
request for gear shift through the lever (with the Dualogic gearbox unit): in the manual mode,
the latest set speed will remain stored in the memory (it can be recalled by pressing the
resume (“RES”) button);
vehicle speed below the established minimum value (40 k.p.h.): the latest set speed will
remain stored in the memory (it can be recalled by pressing the resume (“RES”) button);
action on the accelerator: in this case, the system will not be actually switched off, yet the
request for acceleration will take priority over the system, thus allowing the manoeuvre
requested by the driver. In any case, the Cruise Control will remain ON, without having to
press the resume (“RES”) button to resume the previous conditions once acceleration has
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