Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
The displaying time may vary depending on the class of the message:
- high priority anomalies: 20 seconds (Matrix panel) or 8 cycles (Comfort panel);
- warning/low priority anomalies: 10 seconds (Matrix panel) or 4 cycles (Comfort panel)
- feedback: 5 seconds (Matrix panel) or 1 cycle (Comfort panel).
Anomalies that require being checked with the engine running:
the following warnings and messages shall only be displayed when the engine is running:
- “battery charge status” icon (Matrix panel);
- “low engine oil pressure” message;
- “engine check required” message.
Message displaying (Mode panel)
On the Mode panel, the anomalies are signalled by the lighting of their respective warning
Moreover, the messages below are displayed:
speed limit exceeded (for 10 seconds);
inertia switch actuation: the respective message is displayed in place of the odometer:
the message will remain ON until such the inertia switch is being actuated.
Speed limit exceeded
Inertia switch actuation
Acoustic buzzer
Some functions and warnings are accompanied by an acoustic signal.
The vehicle panel features an internal buzzer that performs the following functions:
- alarm/warning/danger signalling;
- robotized gearbox request signalling (where the robotized gearbox is available);
- parking sensor signalling (where the parking sensor is available);
gb Fiat Grande Punto OK
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- safety belt reminder signalling;