(75 & 90 HP)
Fiat Auto S.p.A.
After Sales Training
The chart illustrates the characteristic curves of 4 injectors based on the control time (ET) for
various rail pressure levels. The axis of ordinates shows the amount of fuel delivered at every
injection instance (mm
/ciclo); the highlighted points are those where the measurements for
IMA classification are made.
The features of each electric injector are identified by a set of 9 alphanumeric characters
factory-printed on the electric injector body at the BOSCH premises.
The production plants of the POWERTRAIN engine have to receive and interpret the IMA
codes for every single electric injector (reading by means of a camera), in order to match the
same with the corresponding cylinder to which the injector is fitted, and also produce a label
that is put onto the timing belt cover. The FIAT bodywork plants match the engine
management control units with the respective software control strategies by means of special
in-line test equipment which reads the data shown on the label and then carries out the
operation with the diagnosis services described below.
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The new spare control units and the ones supplied at the FIAT plant are delivered with a
standard default IMA code with a 00 hex value; the vehicles fitted with control units that have