The DSP Toolchest
Gate Release
[0, 5k] ms
The characteristic release time of the application of the gain reduction. Longer release times
will cause the gate to be less responsive to short transient signal drops. Very short release
times can lead to distortion in the output signal. The release time is applied in the detector
stage of the Gate block.
Gate Sidechain EQ SC Source
{Off, On}
Chooses the detector input source. Select between the processed signal and the sidechain
Gate Sidechain EQ Enable
{Off, On}
Enables the EQ on the gate's detector input.
Gate Sidechain EQ Gain
[-24, 24] dB
Sets the parametric gain on the EQ band. For peaking filters, this is the gain at the peak of
the band. For shelving filters, this is the gain at the extreme limit of the filter. This parameter
is ignored for the high and low pass filter types as well as the bandpass filter type.
Gate Sidechain EQ Frequency
[20, 22k] Hz
Sets the characteristic frequency of the filter band.
Gate Sidechain EQ Bandwidth
[0.01, 2.5] Oct
Sets the bandwidth of the filter band in octaves.
Gate Sidechain EQ Type
{Peaking/Parametric, Low Shelf, Hi Shelf, Hi Cut, Low Cut, Band
Pass, RIAA}
Chooses the type of filter that is applied for the band.
Comp Enable
{Off, On}
Enables the compressor. When disabled, the compressor is hard-bypassed, and does not con-
sume DSP power.
Comp Threshold
[-100, 0] dB
Sets the threshold at which the compressor begins to act. There will be no gain reduction
applied by the compressor when the input signal is below this threshold.
Comp Ratio
[1, 1k] :1
The gain reduction ratio that is applied to the input signal when the signal is above threshold.
The actual ratio applied also depends on the knee parameter which can be used to soften the
knee and make the applied ratio progressive.
Comp Attack
[0, 1k]
The characteristic attack time of the application of the gain reduction. Longer attack times will
cause MIOStrip to be less responsive to short transients. Short attack times are required to
use MIOStrip as a signal limiter, but very short attack times can lead to distortion in the output
signal. The attack time is applied in the detector stage of MIOStrip.