The DSP Toolchest
{Off, On}
Enables the limiter.
[-60, 0] dB
Sets the threshold at which the limiter begins to act. There will be no gain reduction applied
by the limiter when the input signal is below this threshold.
[0, 5k] ms
The characteristic release time of the application of the gain reduction. Longer release times
will cause MIOLimit to be maintain the gain reduction for a longer period of time after tran-
sients. Longer release times are appropriate when using MIOLimit as a leveling amp/AGC.
Alternatively, shorter release times are appropriate when using MIOLimit to increase the ap-
parent level of impulsive material. Very short release times can lead to distortion in the output
signal. The release time is applied in the detector stage of MIOLimit.
[0, 1]
Adjusts the shape of the knee of the limiter as the detector goes above threshold. When knee
is set to 0, the transition from no gain reduction to the specified ratio is immediate at the
specified threshold. As this parameter is increased, the transition between the 1:1 ratio and the
specified ratio is made more and more progressive, thus "softening" the action of the limiter.
Out Ceiling
[-120, 0] dB
Sets the maximum output level of the limiter. The output signal is hard-clipped, post limiter,
at this signal level.
Makeup Gain
[-30, 30] dB
Sets the additional gain applied to the signal post-compressor, regardless of whether or not
there is any gain reduction engaged. Without
Auto Gain
, it allows you to increase the the
output level. With
Auto Gain
, it allows you to trim the output level to taste.
Auto Gain
{Off, On}
When enabled, causes the compressor to automatically adjust the makeup gain to keep full-
scale input approximately at full-scale on output. This is a heuristic rule based on extensive
real-world testing across a wide variety of program material, intended for quick setup of basic
automatic level control. The makeup gain that is auto-generated is only strictly correct when
the attack is set to 0; so apply the manual
Makeup Gain
to trim the final output signal as
SC Source
{Off, On}
Chooses the detector input source. Select between the input signal, and the sidechain input.
Master Bypass
{On, Off}
When enabled, fully bypasses the plugin.
See also: