DSP Implementation Guide
Click on any empty stereo insert slot, and you will see the 3d Insert selector menu:
Figure 13.2: Insert Selection Menu
Across the top of the Insert selection menu is a search field. Type in any text string to search for processor
type or saved presets within your system.
Below the search field are columns which break down the types of processes by broad terms (to the left)
becoming more specific as you progress to the right. To see how this works, in the very left column select
“Plugin”, and note the subheaders that appear to its right.
Now select the “EQ” processor type. The next column lists MIOEQ12, MIOEQ6 and MIOStrip, mono and
stereo versions.
As an example, select MIOStrip. Two more columns appear, one lists preset type categories (Cut Filters,
De-Essers, Drums, etc.), and the next (to the right) contains saved presets within each of those categories.
Here you can select available plug-ins from the categories in the Plug-in menu, or select a I/O insert. You
can also select Macros and Graphs, which are detailed in the
The plug-ins that may be inserted in any given slot depend on the number of channels of a given input
channel strip. All mono plug-ins may always be inserted in any slot; if you insert a mono plug-in into a strip
that has a multichannel input (for example a bus master strip or bus return strip, or a multichannel input
strip), the mixer will automatically instantiate multiple copies of the plug-in (for example — two plug-ins
into a stereo strip and 5 plug-ins into a 5.0 strip), and link the parameters of the instances so that when you
control the inserted plug-in, it will control all instances. I/O inserts follow the same rule: an I/O inserted in
a stereo mixer strip will route only stereo sends and stereo returns, etc.
If you are working with a multi-channel strip, only plug-ins that make sense for the number of channels of the
strip will also be available. For example, with a stereo strip, you will see both the mono and stereo versions
of the MIOComp and MIOLimit dynamics processors. You can select the version that works best for you.
At the present time, there are few processors that have specifically been built for multi-channel strips with
more than two channels. If you expect to use (or change to) a bus with multiple channels beyond stereo,
you will probably want to use the mono version of the plug-in as they can be automatically instantiated
as you adjust the number of channels of the strip. More info on using plug-ins via Inserts can be found
By checking the “Cascade” box at the bottom of the window, you can apply your selected plug-
in to whatever number of strips you choose. The number in the “to ___ strips” box determinies how many
strips will receive the new plug-in.
New plug-in inserts created in this way will all be placed in the same Insert slot across the desired number
of channels. This method can also be used to replace existing Inserts.