MIOConsole3d Session
Figure 12.35: MIOConsole Preferences: Recording pane: ‘Manual Break Overlap’ selector
Manual Break Overlap
preference lets you set the amount of overlap between the two takes in
case you want to edit them back together later. “Gapless” places zero-duration fades at Take file
transitions, meaning the last sample of the previous Take is immediately followed by the first sample
of the new Take.
Generally, Manual Break Overlaps will be pretty short, the idea being to give you a bit of extra room
to drop in your own fade at a spot that works best for the recorded program and for the edit model
of your particular audio workstation. In case you want a longer overlap, you can always use the Preroll
setting, as shown above.
In any case, overlapping audio will be in the file created
the break; this means the currently
recording Take will end when you break the Take, and the newly started Take will include the spec-
ified amount of overlap from
the break.
Level-based Trigger Mode:
With Level-based record triggering, Session can be set up to oper-
ate unattended. Recording will start only when the incoming signal level reaches your set trigger
threshold, and automatically stop when the level drops below your “de-trigger” threshold. Preroll
and Postroll become especially powerful features in Level-based mode, allowing you to set the trig-
ger thresholds high enough to avoid false starts even in live concert recordings, and still capture
extended lead-ins and fade-outs at the head and tail of each set.
Figure 12.36: Session Transport: Level-Based Trigger Mode
When Level-based trigger mode is engaged, the ‘Trigger Thresholds’ display appears as shown
above. When you have channels record-enabled and passing audio, the display will show a running
peak level in green of all audio coming into the Session panel.
At this point, the transport “Stop” button will be yellow and the transport “Record” button will be
white, indicating that the system is ready to record, but is not yet record-armed.
Before you arm the record engine, use the peak audio level display as a reference to set your Trigger
and De-trigger levels.