11. Monitor and Cue Controllers
MIOConsole3d provides comprehensive monitor and cue facilities which take full advantage of the 3d
mixer and MHLink multi-box environment.
The Monitor Controller is an independent entity which taps audio feeds from the mixing engine behind
the scenes, simplifying routing. Likewise, Cues are a subsystem of the Monitor Controller which tap off the
sources assigned in the Monitor Controller.
A Monitor Controller Source can be routed from any Aux bus, Group bus, the PFL/AFL Solo bus (in PFL/
AFL mode), the Main mixer bus, or any hardware input. You can have as many Monitor Controller sources
as you like.
The Monitor Controller Sources and Outputs can be any channel width from mono to 7.1.4. Multiple chan-
nel configurations for both Source and Output are fully supported.
Monitor Controller functions can be mapped and operated via
control surfaces.
Any feed routed to the Monitor Controller Source selector is available as a Cue Controller source. Cues
can be slaved to follow the current Monitor Controller Source or can be specific to any Monitor Controller
Source (such as a dedicated Cue mix bus).
Each Cue has independent source and output controls and their own talkback/listenback behaviors.
Each Cue can be any channel width from mono to 7.1.4.
Every Monitor and Cue output includes independent output gain modes (+4, -10, Monitor (or Headphone
when appropriate)), level trim and Delay (in milliseconds) for each speaker channel.
: Delay time is
calculated to the nearest sample at every sample rate, so feel free to be brutally precise!
Every Monitor and Cue output path includes a dedicated in-line signal processing Graph, which can be
used for anything from speaker crossovers and acoustics correction to spatial simulation or downmixes
for IEMs. Monitor and Cue output Graph processors are placed in the signal path just prior to the final
output gain stage.
Tooltips are available for all Monitor and Cue Controller selectors and commands - hover you mouse over
a UI element for a second or two to reveal information about that button.
You can configure the Monitor Controller as a floating window so it always remains accessible, even when
working in other applications.
With a LIO-8 or ULN-8 as your Monitor or Cue output, the front panel Mute, Dim and Monitor/Cans Volume
controls automatically sync with the MIOConsole3d MC graphical interface. Same for the Mute and Dim
buttons on the front panel of the 2882. (The ULN-2 has purely analog controls on its front panel.)
Monitor Controller output configurations can be saved and loaded as part of the overall MIOConsole3d
mixer, or independently as a separate file. When importing a full MIOConsole3d mix session to your own
tuned room, just open your saved Monitor file in the imported session and all your speaker assignments,
trims, delay parameters and custom room tuning graphs will be applied to the session. The mix session
with all routing and processing remains intact, but is now routing into your custom Monitor configuration.
All Monitor Source inputs will be inherited from the imported session, just as if you had created the session
in your own facility.