The MIOConsole3d Application
Aux mix buses are set up in the “Configure Mixer” window (opened with [cmd-shift-C] or the Menu bar:
“Mixer” menu). In “Configure Mixer”, Aux sends are set to be shown or hidden on Input strips, and con-
figured to feed the Aux mix either pre- or post-Insert. Lastly an Aux mix bus may be set up Pre-Fader, or
may have the source Input strip Fader and Mute settings applied to the Aux send signal.
For details regarding Aux bus configuration, see
Aux mix buses can be named either in “Configure Mixer”, or by double-clicking on their bus master scribble
strip at the bottom of the Aux bus strip.
Each Aux send includes a small horizontal ‘Aux Send Fader’. Aux Sends from mono Input strips feeding
stereo or multichannel Aux buses will include a mini-panner alongside the mini-Fader. As with faders and
panners throughout the 3d Mixer, option-clicking the Aux send mini-Fader will set it to 0.0 dB unity gain,
and opt-clicking the mini-panner will set it to Center.
Click on the Aux name in the Mixer Pane Legend to bring that Aux Mixer layer into focus on the Mixer
desk - essentially swapping the mini-fader and mini-panner for the main mix desk fader and panner. All
Input strip Fader knobs will turn yellow, indicating that the primary Faders, Solos, Mutes and Pans are now
controlling that Aux bus mixer rather than the Main bus mix. A dot will appear next to the name of the
Aux that is currently in focus.
Mixer Strip: ‘Panner’, ‘Solo/Mute’, ‘Fader Gain’, ‘Fader’, ‘Meter’, ‘Record Enable’
The Fader section is the same for all Input strips and Bus strips, and consists of a stereo or surround panner,
Solo, Mute and Fader controls, an editable Fader Gain readout, pre- or post-Fader meters and the Record
Enable button.
Figure 10.113: Panner, Solo/Mute, Fader Gain, Fader, Meter and Record Enable
Mixer Strip Panner
appear on mono Input and Bus strips when the Main mix bus set to 2 or more channels wide.
When the Main mix bus is set to stereo or LCR, you will get a stereo panner:
Figure 10.114: Stereo / LCR Panner