The MIOConsole3d Application
Toggle Parameter Linking for Selected Strips
toggles the “Selected Strips” link group function (visible
in the “Link Groups” section of the Status Pane to the left of the Mixer window).
Toggle Inverted Fader Linking for Selected Strips
toggles the ‘Inverted’ mode of the ‘AdHoc link
Having easy-to-remember key commands for the two above toggles is especially handy for
performance-oriented mixing
Set Mixer Strips Width
will change the width of any selected mixer strips. There are four widths to
choose from:
Extra Wide
Extra Wide
can make is easier to see
multichannel meters in strips with greater than 6 channels.
Figure 10.54: Mixer Strip Width selector
Set Mixer UI Scale
adjusts the vertical scale of Mixer desk control elements to better accommodate
different display sizes. There are five relative scales to choose from. Combining ‘Mixer UI Scale’ with
‘Mixer Strips Width’ and
Configure Channel Strip Elements
(from the Mixer Pane hamburger menus)
lets you build efficient Mixer desks that show only the controls you need and will fit comfortably on
any computer display arrangement.
Figure 10.55: Mixer UI Scale selector
Note that Mixer UI scaling does not change the size of all of the Mixer strip elements - the fader/me-
ters section remains elastic and will shrink or stretch as other Mixer elements are resized, added or
Reset All Meter Peak Holds
clears peak hold markers on all Mixer desk meters. You can also
(<option>-Click) any peak hold marker.
Delete Mixer Strips
will delete any selected Mixer Input or Bus strips and clears all I/O routes, proces-
sors and Link and Mute Group relationships assigned to the deleted strips.
Clear Mixer
removes all Mixer Input strips and clears all I/O routes, processors and Input strip Link
and Mute group associations to the Input strips.
Clear Mixer
clear Bus strips, Link or Mute Groups, Monitor Controller or Cue Controller
configurations. Bus strips and configurations managed from the
Configure Mixer
window are not
affected by the
Clear Mixer
Spread Host Channels Across Boxes
enables distribution of DSP processing load across all MHLinked
boxes in a Domain… add a box, double the processing power, add another box, triple it, etc. Gen-