MIOConsole3d Ontology
• AKA: Timeline Rulers
Short definition:
A generic term referring to the visual representation and measurement of audio and
musical events with regard to time in the Session Tracks Overview.
The “Bars”, “SMPTE”, “Time” (HH:MM:SS:ss), and “Samples” are ways of measuring and
representing events in time. These timelines are also referred to as “Timeline Rulers”.
The “Markers”, “Loop”, “In/Out” and “Selection” timelines are interactive tools used to define,
display and operate Markers (location and duration), Loop Start and End, Autopunch In and Out
points, and timeline Selection location and duration respectively.
The “duration” component of a timeline event or operation is often referred to as its “range”.
• AKA: clip, soundbite, region
Short definition:
A reference to a contiguous section of an audio file. Includes metadata like fades,
name, color, gain, mute.
Multiple segments may refer to the same section of an audio file. Segments referring to
different audio files may also reside in the same Track.
Selection (verb)
• AKA:
Short definition:
The process of selecting a set of segments or a range of time in the session.
The methods for selection of Segments and Time Ranges are detailed in the immediately
ensuing entries…
• AKA:
Short definition:
(Segment Selection) verb
: The visual representation of said audio segments, once
they are selected.
Segment selections apply to the entirety of one or more segments in the session. Segments
are selected by clicking in the bottom half of the desired segment. Cmd-click to choose multiple
segments. Multi-segment selections may be non-contiguous anywhere within the current timeline
(including offscreen).
Selected segments are indicated by a color bar across the bottom half of the segment.
• AKA: timeline selection
Short definition:
(Time Range Selection) noun
: a region of time that applies either to:
1. all tracks in the session or…
2. to a contiguous set of tracks.
Time range selection may be applied across all Tracks in the Session (by click-dragging a
range the "Selection" timeline) or by click-dragging a selection box across an area of the Tracks
Overview UI. Time range selection gestures are initiated by clicking in the top half of a Track or Lane
and dragging in any direction.
All existing edits within Time Range selection boundaries are respected and reproduced exactly as