The MIOConsole3d Application
Mix Desk Command & Control
Here are some tips to help you move around and control the Console3d mixer environment.
Console3d UI: Parameter “Nudge”
Any numeric control element in the Console3d user interface (faders, panners, EQ frequency, etc.)
can be “Nudged” to increment or decrement the parameter value. This command is available
throughout the MIOConsole3d environment.
The amount of “nudge” varies by the type of parameter. For example, Fader Gain ‘coarse’ nudges
are 5dB steps per nudge and ‘fine’ nudges are 0.5dB.
Pressing and holding the key command will repeat the nudge command per the Keyboard: “Key
Repeat” settings in your computer operating system preferences.
Default Nudge keystrokes are:
(C Z) to coarse nudge up
(C X) to coarse nudge down
( Z) to fine nudge up
( X) to fine nudge down
Scroll wheel increment / decrement
Mouse scroll wheel and trackpad scrolling gestures are supported as an alternative to “Nudging”.
Depending on your scroll wheel/trackpad sensitivity settings, scrolling can be a very helpful com-
plement to nudging.
By default, moving the scrollwheel while over the mixer desk surface will scroll the fader strips to the
left or right. However, when holding the
(on Mac) or
(on PC) modifier key, the scrollwheel
will move a fader or other control element.
Generally the default settings strike a nice balance, but depending on your particular setup, you may
wish to customize scrolling, Option/Alt-click and double-click behaviors.
MIOConsole3d Preferences: Interaction
“Sweeping” controls
Toggle buttons on consecutive strips in the 3d Mixer desk can be switched in a single move by a
click-hold-sweep gesture.
Figure 10.96: “Sweep” to toggle multiple buttons in one gesture
To try it, click on a Solo button, and while holding the mouse button down, drag the cursor to the
right or left across the strips.
The move works with Polarity Invert, Solo, Mute and Record Enable buttons.
Mixer strip Insert controls
Once you have selected a plug-in, it will be listed in the assigned insert slot: