MIOConsole3d Preferences
Interaction Preferences
Figure 14.6: Interaction: MIOConsole3d Parameter Controls
Load Monitor Controller
MIOConsole3d maintains a "last unsaved state" file in your Preferences folder - essentially a snapshot
taken of every Console parameter including Mix desk, Cues and Monitor Controller at the time you
quit the MIOConsole3d application. This is so the next time you launch the application, everything
comes up exactly as you left it, even if you did not explicitly hit “Save” or “Save As...” before quitting.
In the case of Monitor Controller configurations, you may have a baseline reference configuration to
which you need to return after having made temporary changes to accomodate a particular session.
Figure 14.7: ‘Load Monitor Controller configuration’ behavior selector
“Load Monitor Controller” provides you with the option to always load “From global Monitor Con-
troller State file” (the temporary ‘last unsaved state’), or “From loaded .cnsl3d file” (the last
Monitor Controller
While “Load Monitor Controller” lets you choose the Monitor Controller configuration, the “Monitor
Controller” preference determines whether or not to apply the saved gain settings from that MC
configuration, or to keep using the current volume setting in your hardware. This is handy for avoiding
unexpected monitor level jumps when loading a Console file from another facility with a different
speaker/amp setup, or any time you simply do not know how loud they were monitoring when they
saved the file. On the other hand, when sharing consoles between calibrated rooms, keeping the
monitor levels consistent is important.