Installation and Registration
Firmware Installation
updates will be indicated (again, as orange text) in the Unit Status display of each connected 3d
box which requires the update.
Figure 9.2: MIOConsole3d - a new firmware update is available!
The firmware update will be applied to all boxes in the selected domain to ensure parity. You will not
need to quit MIOConsole3d, but all boxes must be fully power cycled for the firmware installation to be
complete. The boxes will automatically re-appear in the System Status Pane when they come back online.
macOS Installation Concerns
Driver Installation on High Sierra (10.13)
With High Sierra (macOS 10.13) Apple has introduced another layer of device driver system extension
security. In order for third-party drivers (system extensions) to be activated on new installs of High Sierra,
the user (you) of the computer must explicitly approve the activation, after the installation has occurred.
This activation is only required for new installs of High Sierra. If you update to High Sierra, and you already
have the 3d Drivers installed, the activation should not be required. After the driver has been activated,
updates of the driver or installations of other new drivers provided by Metric Halo should not require
activation. But if you do a fresh install of High Sierra, and then install the 3d Driver, you will need to
it to be activated before you can use the MIO with CoreAudio.
The activation event will occur the first time your box is connected after the driver has been installed. If
activation is required, macOS will show an alert similar to the following:
Figure 9.3: 3d Driver installation blocked by High Sierra
We strongly recommend activating the driver immediately, as the Apple-provided UI for activation has a
timeout and will disappear after 30 minutes.