The MIOConsole3d Application
Domain Header Controls
Information and controls located in the
“Domain Header”
are global for every 3d box within that domain.
The “Domain Header” shows the box type and serial number of the “Root“ box of that Domain. The
“Root” box is always Box #1 in the Domain list, signifying its connection to the Host computer, and also
its control of all other 3d Units that Domain.
Figure 10.67: MHLink Domain Header details
“Domain Selection”
status box at the right of the “Domain Header” turns ‘white’ to indicate that
Domain is currently the focus of your Console3d user interface. In other words, the Mixer desk, Monitor
Controller, Cues and Record Panel that are currently visible are all controlling the Domain that is in focus
(status box = ‘white’).
When a Domain is not in focus, its status box will be dark. Note that when a Domain is not in focus,
everything keeps running on those boxes just as you left it. When you change Domain focus you are just
telling your Console3d interface to control a different set of boxes - rather like switching a MIDI keyboard
controller from playing one synth on MIDI channel 1 to playing a different synth on MIDI channel 2. Same
general idea.
Click on the “Domain Header” to switch your mixer desk, routing, Monitor Controller, Cues Controls and
Record Panel focus to control that Domain.
Domain Master Clock Source
“Domain Master Clock Source”
selector opens a menu where you can select the master clock for your
Domain. “Internal” will currently always clock to the Root box. You can, if you wish, clock the Domain from
any other physical digital input on any box in the Domain, and this is where you do it.
Figure 10.68: Domain Master Clock Source selector
There are two pull-down menus available in the Master Clock Source selector. With the
you select the physical Unit (or box) in your Domain which houses the digital input you wish clock from.
Figure 10.69: Master Clock “Unit” selector