ULN-8 Quick Start Guide
Input Strips
Figure 1.10: Mixer Strip elements exposed
At the top of every input strip is the Input Source selector. Click on it to see the Input Source Selector
window. Within the Input Source Selector window you can choose the type of inputs you want to select
from, show all the inputs from all boxes in the domain or only one box, how many channels you want your
new input strip(s) to include, and how many strips you want to create (or modify) with Cascade.
“Hard Mute” is a kill switch at the source of the desk strip designed for live sound applications. “Hard
Mute” is hidden and disabled by default.
Analog inputs get a head amp where you can select the input path type, invert signal phase, toggle phan-
tom power and set input gain.
Below the input selector is the “To Host” menu. This lets you set pre- and/or post-insert return paths
directly to your Host computer. Since the 3d MIOConsole3d mixer is designed to support hundreds of
hardware and Host computer i/o channels, “To Host” is optimized for fast setup of large mixer layouts,
and will automatically assign the
next available Host return channel.