Monitor and Cue Controllers
Delete Cue
: Deletes this Cue, releases any DSP Graph processes and frees up the assigned Cue
Outputs for other uses.
Cue Listens to talkback
: routes the talkback to this Cue. When checked, activating the Talkback but-
ton will duck the main Cue audio and mix in the Talkback signal.
Cue listens to listenback
: routes the Listenback feed to this Cue. When checked, activating Listenback
will send the currently selected Monitor Controller Source audio to this Cue.
Cue listens to PFL/AFL
: routes the output of the PFL/AFL Solo bus to this Cue.
Note that this feature is inactive in the default “Solo-In-Place” solo mode. See
for information on activating PFL and AFL solo modes.
• Cue
selector: lets you choose any Monitor Controller source as the feed for this Cue.
Figure 11.8: Cue Source selector
“MC Source” follows the current Monitor Controller Source selection, changing the feed to this Cue
as the MC Source is changed.
All other selections are static, eg. selecting “Main” will aways send the output of the “Main” bus to
this Cue, regardless of the MC Source selection.
• Cue
Assign: opens the output routing window for the Cue. Type in a name for the Cue in the
text field titled “Name“, and assign the outputs for the Cue in the routing section.
Figure 11.9: Cue Output assign
This example shows the default settings for Cue #1: a stereo cue assigned to the headphone jack
of box #1.
Cue Name
: Shows the Cue name you entered in the Cue Output assign window. As shown in the
example, the name may be longer than is shown in the name entry field.