2882 Quick Start Guide
Below the head amp is the pre-insert Direct Out. The Direct Outs can send signal to any physical analog
or digital output, as well as provide additional returns back to the Host computer.
Below the Pre-insert Direct Out are the Inserts slots. Here you can insert plugins, route to sends (additional
buses), add hardware I/O inserts, call up macros (previously-saved DSP processors) and instantiate custom
DSP graphs. The Inserts section expands as you add more processors up to a maximum of ten per strip.
To delete an insert, open the Insert selection window and select “None”.
For users upgrading from
earlier MIO versions, “Character” has been moved to the Inserts section.
Below the Inserts section is a Post-insert Direct Out. Any signal routed from this Direct Out includes all
of your insert processing.
Aux send controls appear below the post-Direct Out. Each Aux has a send level control and (where appro-
priate) a panner to the bus on each strip.
Aux buses can be named in the Configure Mixer window or by double-clicking the scribble field at the
bottom of the Aux return strip.
For more precise control of the send levels to an Aux bus, click the name of the Aux bus in the strip legend
to the left of the mixer pane. A dot will mark the selected bus name, the gray fader knobs in the main mixer
surface will become yellow, and the Aux mix will move onto the main surface.
So, yellow faders in your mixer means you are looking at and controlling an Aux mix, not your main mix.
Click the dotted Aux name in the legend again to return to the main mix desk.
Aux buses are also
used for Cue mix sends.
Panners are next. The panner type configures automatically to match the channel width of the strip to the
bus that it is assigned to:
• There are no pan controls on a channel assigned to a mono bus.
• Mono input channels will have a pan knob when assigned to stereo or LCR buses.
• Mono input channels assigned to LCRS through 7.1 buses will have joysticks. Right-clicking on the
joystick will allow you to hard assign the input channel to a specific output channel, i.e. Center, Left,
• Multichannel inputs (stereo and above) have no pan control, and are direct routed to the matching
channels in the bus.
The fader/meters section dynamically expands and contracts based on the size of the Mixer window and
the number of control elements currently visible in the strip. The number of meters will always reflect the
number of channels handled in the strip. Meters display “pre-fader” by default, and can be set to read
“post-fader” signal in the MIOConsole3d Mixer menu.
All input and bus strips have Solo, Mute and Record Enable buttons.
Please note that ‘Record Enable’ is active only if there is audio routed from that strip back to the Host
computer either via “To Host” or a Direct Out
(the audio you want to record must be routed back to the
Host or the Host computer has no way to record it to the hard drive).
Below the fader/meters section are controls for managing assignments for Link Groups, Mute Groups and
DCA groups, with Bus Assign selectors (all currently defaulted to the Main bus) as the bottom controls on
the input strip. The Assign control is for routing that strip the Main bus and/or any available Group bus.
Hint regarding Direct Outs:
Use Direct Outs whenever you need to route to a specific-numbered return channel to the Host. “To
Host” is designed to automate the addition of many channestrips in a single step and is sometimes just not the right tool for the job.
Using Direct Outs (often coupled with ‘Selected Strips’ groups and Cascade) to route your Host returns allows you to precisely target
specific channels or groups of channels from the MIOConsole3d mixer to your DAW.