MIOConsole3d Session
Organizing and Identifying Takes: Take Folder and Audio File naming tools
The Take management engine described above ensures that the Session record engine will not inadver-
tently over-write any previously recorded files, but the generic Take number is hardly sufficient to keep
your recordings organized.
‘MIOConsole3d Preferences: Recording’
panel provides a scripting engine to help make Take man-
agement more livable.
Figure 12.49: Recording Prefs: “New Folder Per Take”, “Take Folder” and “Audio Filename” template fields
New Folder per Take
when checked, places all the files of each take in its own nested folder within
the Record Folder and Mirror Record Folder(s). These Take folders are named per the parameters
set below…
Take Folder Name Template
: This text field lets you auto-name new ‘take’ folders using the text en-
tered in the Recording Preferences
‘Take Name’
fields, as well as a
number of other variables. Understanding how to use this feature makes organizing crazed recording
easier. If you use Session, this feature will be like a new best friend - you may hate
it at first, but once you get to know it you will not want to live without it. Here is the
Take Folder
Name Template
tooltip pop-up:
Figure 12.50:
Take Folder Name Template
tooltip pop-up:
…and here’s the step-by-step breakdown:
The ‘dollar sign’s are used to define “tokens”. These “tokens” command the folder-naming script
where to look for information to copy into the folder name.
token says: look in the
field, copy that text and paste it in the folder name.
token says: look in the
field, copy that text and paste it in the folder name.
says: look in the
field, copy that text and paste it in the folder name.
says: look in the
“Take Name”
field, copy that text and paste it in the folder name.
says: copy the ‘Next Take’ number and paste in into the folder name. The [.n] sets the number
of digits used to represent the take number. If you don’t specify a number here, the take numbers