The MIOConsole3d Application
Indicates the channel map routing object type:
Mixer Strip:
A channel route point on a mixer input strip
Bus Strip:
A channel route point on a mixer bus master strip
A channel route point in the talkback controller
A channel route point in the monitor controller or cue controller
lists the name of the routing object (e.g. the mixer strip or bus name). This is editable, and
can be used to change the name when the mapping is applied.
is the name of the route point in the routing object (e.g. input, output, etc.).
Original Route
shows where the signal is sourced from (if it‘s an input) or sent to (for an output) in
the source domain configuration. This field specifies whether the route is ‘pre-’ or ‘post-process’
direct out, an I/O insert route, Monitor Controller, Cue, etc.
New Route
defines where the signal will be sourced from or sent to in the destination domain
configuration. This routing is established by the box mapping you configured in the previous ‘box-
to-box’ routing page. You can click on these entries to re-assign channels individually, or click the
“Prev” button to return to the box mapping page and make box-level adjustments there.
Once you are done you can click “Finish” to finalize the mapping; the settings will be applied to your
system state and the mapping window will close. The new console state will be named “(original
file name) mapped”. You can now save the mapped configuration if you so desire, or “Save As…”
to rename the Console file before saving.