MIOConsole3d Preferences
The “Theme” pop-up menu includes the Default theme plus 24 factory presets, and is where you
recall your personalized themes. The “Default” theme is always located at the top of the menu,
followed by factory presets below, and your saved custom themes at the bottom of the list.
“Save Theme” brings up a standard file naming and directory path dialog box where you can name
and store your new themes. The default path is your User “Library/Preferences/MIOConsole3d/
Themes” folder, which is where the “Theme” pop-up menu looks for your files.
The “Load Theme” button can be used to import any themes that are not already in your “Themes”
Preferences folder (and are therefore not in the “Theme” pop-up menu).
The “Customized” entry in the “Theme” pop-up is just a holding slot for works-in-progress, and
serves as an indicator in the Appearance: Theme menu button that the current mixer theme has
been modified but has been not saved.
Consider the provided factory preset themes as starting points. Find one with a base color scheme
you like and start tinkering.
UI Font
This submenu allows you to change the primary text font throughout the Console user interface. The
default font "Arial Unicode MS" looks pretty good and is nicely readable, but maybe you feel like
injecting a little more personality into your mixer. Popular alternatives include “Futura”, “Roboto”
and the various “Stone Sans” flavors. “Comic Sans” is always good for a 90’s vibe, and if you favor
lengthy prose from Hobbiton you might like “Luminari”.
Strip Color
Each mixer strip in the MIOConsole3d mix desk has a small color bar at the top (above the Input
selector) and at the bottom (just above the Scribble Strip). Clicking on these color bars brings up
Color Selector where you can choose a color for that strip. The “Strip Color” preference lets you
choose whether the color is applied just to the color bars at the top and bottom of the mixer strip,
or to the entire strip.
As with all of the UI elements in the Mixer strips, the top and bottom color bars can be
hidden/shown in the Mixer Pane hamburger menu “Configure Channel Strip Elements...” window.