MIOConsole3d Ontology
width, and the Session playback engine will do its best to accommodate. Stereo segments dragged
into a mono Track will be summed to mono, and stereo segments dragged to a 5.1 track will play
as channels L and R. Mono segments added to wider Tracks will send the audio to all the channels
of the strip.
Session UI conventions
Session in many ways approximates the functions of a typical digital audio workstation, in that Session can
record, edit and play audio files
Tracks Overview
• AKA:
Short definition:
A visual representation of Session Tracks and their audio segments
Within the Session window is a Track Overview for every track in the session. The track
overview shows the position, length and contents of the segments in each track. It provides a user
interface for you to move, trim, split, cut, copy and paste segments, as well as manipulate the seg-
ment metadata.
Tracks Overview: Mixer Input Strip
• AKA:
Short definition:
Tracks associated with Mixer Input Strips are the primary recording, playback and
editing tracks
Only Tracks associated with Mixer Input Strips are able to both record and play back audio
automatically, since only Input Strips include a hardware Source input route back to the Mixer.
Tracks Overview: Mixer Bus Strips
Short definition:
Bus Mixer Strips do have associated Tracks in the Tracks Overview primarily to main-
tain parity between Mixer Strip and Tracks layouts (critical for EuCon and MCP control surfaces op-
Tracks associated with Mixer Bus Strips may be recorded to, and may contain audio, but
since Bus Strips operate entirely within the Mixer engine with no connection to external Input routes,
there is no direct route for playback from the Session Track.
Tracks Overview: DCAs
• AKA:
Short definition:
Like Bus tracks, DCAs also have associated Tracks in the Tracks Overview to maintain
parity between Mixer Strip and Tracks layouts.
DCAs are control-only and can not record or play audio. DCA tracks may be used as a
temporary "holding tank" within the Session for audio segments to be stored and used later, without
fear of them accidentally interfering in the mix.
Track Headers
• AKA:
Short definition:
The control area for each Track, located at the left edge of the Session Tracks
The Track Header displays the name of its’ associated Mixer Strip, and provides remote
control of the Mixer from the Session window, including the color, solo, mute and record enable
buttons, panner (where applicable), and fader gain.