Passwords of an authentication protocol and proprietary protocol must
comply with the following policies:
– The password must contain at least two types of characters among
uppercase letters (A–Z), lowercase letters (a–z), and digits (0–9). The
password must contain 8 to 15 characters and be different from the user
name or its reverse.
– A password must not be a string containing duplicate sections, such as
– Week passwords such as Password, Admin_1243, and Changeme_123 are
not allowed.
3. Set SHA Password and Confirm Password as planned.
4. Set AES Password and Confirm Password as planned.
Step 5 Tap the text box next to SNMP Port, set SNMP Port based on the actual port
number, and tap Submit.
SNMP Port is set to 161 by default.
Step 6 Tap Next Page.
Step 7 Set SNMP trap parameters.
1. Tap Add under SNMP Trap.
2. Set Trap Address as planned and Trap Port to the actual port number.
Trap Port is set to null by default.
3. Select SNMP Version. If an SNMPv3 user is configured, it is recommended
that SNMP Version be set to SNMPv3.
4. If SNMP Version is set to SNMPv3, you need to select SNMPv3 User Name.
For other protocols, you need to set Trap Community.
Follow-up Procedure
After a USB flash drive has been inserted into the USB port of the main control
module and successfully identified, tap Export File under MIB File to export the
MIB file to the USB flash drive for the customer's use in accessing a third-party
Before using a USB flash drive, ensure that its data has been scanned by antivirus
software and is secure.
FusionCol8000-E240 Modular Indirect Evaporative
Cooling System
User Manual
7 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 03 (2021-04-20) Copyright © Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co., Ltd.