April 7, 2021
Digital Modular System - Rinse
Mechanical Hazards
Pinch Point And Mechanical Entanglement Hazards:
result in injury to fingers/hand if placed in machine. Keep
fingers/hand out of the system. Turn power off and lockout
tag out before servicing.
Trip Hazard!
Please be careful that the fill and drain hose is extended out
from the rear of the system and may cause tripping.
Extreme care and consideration were taken throughout the development of this
system for the safe operation of the equipment and operator. However, it is
mandatory that users observe extreme care to avoid situations that may
endanger life or cause injury. Therefore, it is essential to take the following
Do not wear loose fitting clothing, neckties or jewelry that could become
entangled in moving parts.
Do not try to remove piece parts from a moving handling system.
Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel are permitted within the
working zone of the equipment.
Identify the working zone of the equipment with floor marking, signs and
Eliminate areas where personnel might be trapped between moving and
fixed parts of the equipment (pinch points).
Provide sufficient room to permit safe training and maintenance
Always adhere to local or company safety regulations.
Report to the appropriate authorities should any unsafe condition is
found around the area of the equipment.