Cisco Catalyst Switch Manager User Guide
Chapter 8 Interface and Subinterface Management
POS Subinterface Management—Configuration Window
Figure 8-29 POS Sub-interface Management—Modify POS J1 Window
This subdialog includes the following information:
Expected Size—Maximum length of the expected receive SONET Path overhead message in
Expected Label—The expected receive SONET Path overhead message. If the expected label is
longer than the expected size, it will be truncated.
Transmit Size—Maximum length of the transmitting SONET Path overhead message in bytes.
Transmit Label—Transmitting SONET Path overhead message. If the transmitting label is
longer than the transmitting size, it will be truncated.
Modify—Modifies the SONET path message values according to the entries in the
corresponding fields for the interface.
In 12.1(11b)E and later that values for the Expected Size and the Transmit Size should be the
same since the Tx and Rx message sizes cannot be independently configured. If the received
values are different, the J1 Path Overhead message size will be set to the larger of the two values.