Cisco Catalyst Switch Manager User Guide
Chapter 8 Interface and Subinterface Management
Channelized SONET Interface Management Window
Out Packets/Sec—Five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output packets per second.
In Bits/Sec—Five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/Sec—Five-minute exponentially decayed moving average of output bits per second.
Interface Error Statistics
The Interface Error Statistics area contains the following information:
CRC Error Pkts.—Number of input packets that had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.
In Discarded Pkts.—The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though
no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One
possible reason for discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
Out Discarded Pkts.—The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even
though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for
discarding such a packet is to free up buffer space.
In Dropped Pkts.—The number of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Dropped Pkts.—The number of packets dropped because osteopath queue was full.
In Ignored Pkts.—Number of input packets that were ignored by this interface.
In Aborted Pkts.—Number of input packets that were aborted.
In Error Pkts.—The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being
deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Out Error Pkts.—Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
SONET Section Error Statistics
The SONET Section Error Statistics area contains the following information:
Errored Secs—Number of errored seconds encountered by the SONET section in the current
15-minute interval.
Severely Err Secs—Number of severely errored seconds encountered by the SONET section in the
current 15-minute interval.
Coding Violations—Number of coding violations encountered by the SONET section in the current
15-minute interval.
Severely Err Frm Secs—Number of severely errored framing seconds encountered by the SONET
section in the current 15-minute interval.