3 . R e p a i r I n s t r u c t i o n s
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SW9xx_sm_Chapter 3_1-2010.doc/pdf <100329> yymmdd
B. Braun Avitum AG
SW 9.xx Undo Last Written
The content of the directory (directories) of the last write procedure is saved on
the USB stick together with the serial number of the respective
machine. The last write procedure can be undone (restored) with the Undo Last
Written utility for the following write procedures:
Write Languages
Write Calibration Data
Write System Configuration
Undo Last Written
utility should be used immediately after a writing
utility was performed by accident.
If the
Undo Last Written
utility is used after a
Write Calibration Data
Write System Configuration
: check and match not only the serial number
but also the corresponding system version number or TLC version number.
If a
utility is executed two times in a row the last (saved) and the
current status are identical, i.e. in case you would use the
Undo Last
utility now there would be no difference between both versions.
Undo Last Written
utility can be applied only to the result of the last
utility and if the saved and the current serial number of the
F i e l d S e r v i c e U t i l i t i e s V 2 . 0 0 - S e t M S T
01. Set System Version Number
02. Set Working Time Counter (WTC)
03. Kill Masterboot Record
( Hard Disk)
04. Write Languages
(USB Stick
Hard Disk)
05. Write Calibration Data
(USB Stick
Hard Disk)
06. Write System Configuration
(USB Stick
Hard Disk)
07. Undo Last Written
(USB Stick
Hard Disk)
08. USB Stick Self Test
09. Select Menu of Card Reader Commands
10. Read System Configuration
( Hard Disk
USB Stick)
11. Read Calibration Data
( Hard Disk
USB Stick)
12. Read All Trends
( Hard Disk
USB Stick)
13. Read Screenshots
( Hard Disk
USB Stick)
14. Get Error (ErrorDisk)
( Hard Disk
USB Stick)
: move cursor up
: move cursor down
: exit – see
Important Note
: execute
Important Note:
To prevent the corruption of USB stick, before removing it,
please press
then follow the instructions on the screen!
Press the
hardware key and move the cursor
down to select the utility.
Press the
hardware key to execute the
F i e l d S e r v i c e U t i l i t i e s V 2 . 0 0 - S e t M S T
U n d o l a s t w r i t t e n ( U S B S t i c k - > D i a l o g + H a r d D i s k )
W r i t i n g b a c k S y s t e m C o n f i g u r a t i o n f r o m U S B s t i c k t o D i a l o g +
A l l ‘ S y s t e m C o n f i g u r a t i o n ’ r e l a t e d m o d i f i c a t i o n s
m a d e a f t e r t h e l a s t w r i t i n g w i l l a l s o b e l o s t !
A r e y o u s u r e ?
: no
: yes
The Undo Last Written utility will undo the last written
utility. The menu on the left shows an example of the
undo utility for the system configuration.
No, system configuration file is not undone,
exit from the utility
Yes, system configuration file is undone
if you are sure. This will undo the
last written utility from the USB stick to the
hard disk drive (CFC).