Chapter 3 Site Planning and Preparation
Installation and Commissioning Manual
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ADVA AG Optical Netw
For more information, refer to the
Hardware Description, Appendix B.
Fiber-Optic Cable Requirements
This subsection describes the requirements of fiber-optic cables and provides
information about testing the optical links.
Fiber-Optic Jumpers
Pairs of optical jumpers are used to connect the optical modules within a shelf
and to connect adjacent shelves in a rack. For this purpose, ADVA Optical Net-
working provides fiber-optic jumpers of different lengths. Each jumper is color
coded and labeled according to usage. This labeling enables the user to con-
nect two fibers between pairs of ports on two modules at the same time without
confusing the signal paths. The client ports use multimode (core size of 62.5
µm), single-mode (core size of 9 µm), or a combination of both types of jumpers,
depending on the type of channel module. The network ports only require sin-
gle-mode fibers (9 µm) according to ITU-T G.652, G.653 and G.655.
Client Interface Fiber-Optic Patch Cables
Each channel module is connected to the CPE using a pair of fiber-optic cables
(transmission fiber and reception fiber). Normally, these cables are terminated
with LC connectors on one end and user-specific connectors on the other end.
The type of cable (multimode or single-mode) and connector may differ,
depending on the channel module ordered. The customer must supply the
pieces of fiber-optic cables (LC or MU to customer-specific connector) and
adaptors required to establish the optical link to the CPE. The cables can also
be ordered from ADVA Optical Networking according to customer requirements.
It is recommended to label the cables according to usage.
Network Interface Fiber-Optic Patch Cables
Normally, two pairs of fiber-optic cables are required between sites, one for the
east and one for the west direction. If the cables have been ordered from ADVA
Optical Networking, a pair of single-mode fiber-optic cables (LC to cus-
tomer-specific connector) is delivered with the FSP 3000R7 for each direction.
Otherwise, the customer must supply the adaptors and additional single-mode
cables required to connect to the network fiber-optic link. It is recommended to
label the cables according to usage.
The SCU-Intercom-Kit can be delivered with the equipment, but must
be ordered separately. For information about placing an order contact
ADVA Optical Networking.