Installation and Commissioning Manual
7 R
.1 8000
, ©
ADVA AG Optical Netw
Chapter 1
Express Setup
This chapter gives in two flowcharts an overview of all the tasks that must be
performed to successfully install and commission the Fiber Service Platform
(FSP 3000R7).
The flowchart depicts the installation tasks from the preparation of the site up to
the testing of the link. You must perform the installation tasks in the sequence
shown in the flowchart. The process requires that before a task can be under-
taken, any proceeding tasks must have been completed successfully. This man-
ual provides a separate chapter or separate sections for each task. Most of the
chapters or sections can be accessed via a click on the links below the relevant
tasks in the flowcharts. Each chapter in this manual stands independently from
the others. You do not need to read this manual from cover to cover to gain rele-
vant information. Instead, you can read the specific chapters that contain only
the information that you need. The first page of each chapter informs you of any
background reading that might be necessary to understand the context of the
chapter. The rest of the chapter provides you with the specific information rele-
vant to the topic.
After you have familiarized yourself with the product and the safety require-
ments, read your installation and cabling plans to determine your system's con-
Special Knowledge
Because varying expertise is required to perform a complete installation, sev-
eral people may be involved in the installation process. The flowchart indicates
where the type of required expertise changes, and where a transition may be
required. In addition, each procedure describes what level of expertise is
required to be able to complete it safely and successfully. See also
for details.
Safety Precautions
To avoid personal injury and equipment damage, adhere strictly to all of the
safety precautions and equipment precautions that are outlined in your local
safety policies, as well as in
Chapter 2: Prerequisites for Installation