Measuring Unamplified End-to-End Connections
Installation and Commissioning Manual
7 R
.1 8000
, ©
ADVA AG Optical Netw
Step 9
Compute the network fiber attenuation as the difference between the
two measured optical powers and convert it to dB.
Step 10 Compare the network fiber attenuation to the estimated value from
Step 11 Take the required action like adapting the provisioned attenuators.
Step 12 Reconnect the network fiber to the NE.
Step 13 Measure the other fiber of the line.
End of Procedure
Measuring Unamplified End-to-End
During the basic installation of the network element the network fibers were not
connected to the channel modules. There are two reasons for this:
Network transmitters provide enough optical power to destroy a network
receiver. This could happen if the network fiber has not enough attenuation
or in case of a connection error which connects a near-end network receiver
to a near-end network transmitter.
From the transmitter to the receiver the light runs across many connectors
and modules. This should be checked before the NE goes into service as
later error fixes might be service affecting.
Step 1
Set your optical power meter to 1550 nm.
Step 2
Connect the optical power meter to the fiber that will be connected to
the network receiver later on.
Step 3
Check the optical power. There should be none (typically < -30 dBm).
Step 4
If optical power is delivered by the fiber: Search for the wiring error.
Note: As the optical circuit has been interrupted, automatic laser shut-
down (ALS) should have turned off the transmitter connected to this
Step 5
Find the network transmitter connected to this network receiver fiber.
You need the plans of the network, the NE and the respective remote
NE for this.
Step 6
From the menu select the relevant module (MOD-x-y) and then the
respective channel (CH-x-y-N).
Step 7
Set Admin state to Maintenance and confirm your selection.
Step 8
Navigate to the Operation tab. Force the Laser on to OPR for the
respective network transmitter either through a management tool and
DCN or with the help of a colleague at the remote site.