Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 1 Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager for the Cisco TelePresence System
Assigning a Directory Number to the Cisco TelePresence Device
Configuring the Access Directory Number
To configure the Access Directory number, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.
Step 2
From the Device drop-down menu, select Phone. The Find and List Phones Page appears containing a
list of configured phones.
Step 3
If a list of configured phones is not displayed, click the plus sign (+) under Find and List Phones.
To find all phones that are registered in the database, follow these steps:
Choose Device Name from the list of fields.
Choose “is not empty” from the list of patterns.
Click Find.
Choose the appropriate search pattern for your text search (for example, “Begins with”).
Enter your search text in the Find field.
Step 4
Locate and click the Cisco TelePresence device you just created in
“Creating a New Cisco TelePresence
Device” section on page 1-5
. The Phone Configuration window appears.
Step 5
In the
Association Information
box on the left side of the screen, click Add a new DN.
Use the device MAC address to help you determine which line to select. The MAC address is also used
as a device number (represented by X in this document) for the settings in the Directory Number
Configuration window.
The Directory Number Configuration window appears.
Step 6
Proceed to the
“Configuring the Directory Number for the Cisco TelePresence Device” section on
page 1-32
to configure settings in the Directory Number Configuration window.
Association Information
To modify button from the Phone Configuration window, follow these steps:
Step 1
Click Modify Button Items on the left side of the Phone Configuration window. The Reorder Phone
Button Configuration window appears.
Step 2
Use the arrows to update button associations.
Step 3
Click Save to save your settings.