Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 6 Setting Up the Room to Use Cisco TelePresence Manager
Configuring Microsoft Messaging Software for Cisco TelePresence Manager
Uncheck the Require secure channel (SSL) box, and click OK.
Click OK on all the dialog boxes that follow.
Step 17
Synchronize the system clock in the CTS-Manager server to the same NTP server used by Exchange.
Enter the hostname or IP address of one or more NTP servers. NTP Server 1 value is mandatory; NTP
Servers 2-5 are optional. Thus, CTS-Manager and Exchange need to point to the same NTP and sync
with the NTP to avoid having the room calendar not updating correctly.
Cisco strongly recommends that you enter the NTP server by which Cisco Unified CM
synchronizes its clock as the primary NTP server. If these servers are out of synchronization,
CTS-Manager may not update and delete unwanted meetings.
CTS-Manager and Microsoft EWS server automatically renew subscriptions every 20 minutes. If there
are any changes for room status in EWS, the CTS-Manager will not be notified of the change until that
20 minute update time. The exception is if CTS-Manager is forced to sync with the EWS server by either
doing a reboot or a restart.
Migrating Microsoft Exchange Servers
CTS-Manager integrates with Exchange Server 2003, Exchange Server 2007, and Exchange Server
2010. This section highlights the steps required in CTS-Manager when an existing Exchange Server is
upgraded and contains the following sections:
Migrating from Exchange Server 2003 to 2007, page 6-9
Migrating From Exchange Server 2007 to 2010, page 6-11
Migrating from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 or 2010, page 6-11
For detailed information, refer to official Microsoft documentation on how to do the following:
Migrate Exchange Server
from a previous release to a newer version
Set up
Client Access Server (CAS)
against previous version mailbox server
Migrating from Exchange Server 2003 to 2007
CTS-Manager accesses Exchange Server 2003 via the WebDAV protocol. This protocol is supported by
Exchange Server 2007. In addition, Microsoft has introduced a new access method via Exchange Web
Service (HTTP/
) protocol.
Microsoft does not support in-place upgrade from Exchange Server 2003 to 2007. A separate Exchange
Server 2007 must be installed and data can be migrated over time. Depending on the size of your
installation, this process can take from hours to months. For more information, refer to the
Upgrading to
Exchange 2007
documentation from Microsoft:
There are two possible migration paths for CTS-Manager:
Using the WebDAV Protocol, page 6-10
Using EWS Access, page 6-10