VDN of Origin Announcement (Category A only)
Issue 1.0 May 2003
Agent Call Handling (Answering Options)
Automatic Answer
— ACD agents at phones in Auto Answer mode hear a zip tone, then the VOA. You can
also administer a zip tone after the VOA completes, to alert agents that an
announcement is complete and a caller is connected.
— Non-ACD agents can receive a VOA if a call is routed to them via vector processing.
When non-ACD agents at phones in Automatic Answer mode receive calls, they
hear a call ID tone then the VOA. Agents hear a second zip tone after the VOA
indicating connection to the caller.
Manual Answer
— When non-ACD agents at phones in Manual Answer mode receive calls they hear
ringing, answer the call, and hear the VOA.
ASAI Adjunct Routing
If a vector step includes Adjunct Routing, the VOA is played for the agent to whom the call
is routed.
Auto-Available Split/Skill (AAS)
AAS is intended to be used for splits/skills containing only nonhuman adjuncts such as
AUDIX or Conversant; however, VOAs can be directed to Auto-Available splits/skills.
Call Forwarding
VOAs apply to forwarded calls, including those forwarded to a hunt group. The answering
station must be on the same communication server. If a VOA is forwarded, the message is
played only if the destination extension is administered with a COR that allows VOA.
Call Pickup
Call Pickup allows an agent to pick up a ringing call on another extension. If the pick-up
extension has COR permissions for VOA, the agent can receive a VOA.
If an agent receives a call and then conferences in additional stations, any station on the
connection can use VOA Repeat button to replay the VOA. Only the person using the
button can hear the VOA unless the call is being service observed.