ACD contact center features
260 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Converse-on split/skill
A converse-on split/skill is one used in a
vector step. When a
vector step is executed, a VOA is not applied. After returning to the vector, the call can
be routed to a station or VDN where the answering agent receives the VOA (as if the
step had not been processed).
VOA applies to coverage paths.
Data Restriction
Data Restriction prevents tones from being applied to line or trunk circuits during a data
call. VOAs are not played for data-restricted calls.
Direct Agent Calling
Direct Agent Calling allows a vector to route a call to particular ACD agent and have the
call treated as an ACD call. The VOA only applies to direct agent calls if the calls reach an
agent through vector processing. Direct agent calls from a phone on a communication
server are not vector-processed and cannot cause a VOA to be played.
Enhanced Automatic Wake-up
If you are using enhancements to Automatic Wake-up with integrated announcements,
there can be contention for integrated announcement ports. VOAs have priority over
Automatic Wake-Up announcements.
Expert Agent Selection (EAS)
When you are using EAS, the logical agent COR definition determines the assignment of
VOAs for each extension. EAS uses the COR of the logical agent instead of the COR for
the telephone the agent is using.
Agents cannot use the VOA Repeat button if their calls are all on hold. The VOA Repeat
button only applies to active calls.
Home Agent
You can assign an initial VOA to a home-agent port on the communication server.
However, home agents cannot use a VOA Repeat button because home agents need a
dial access code (DAC) to reach features and VOA replay does not use a DAC.