ACD contact center features
138 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only)
This section provides an overview of Avaya Business Advocate. For extensive information
on implementing and using Advocate, refer to the Avaya Business Advocate User Guide,
Advocate is a collection of features that provide flexibility in the way a call is selected for an
agent in a call surplus situation and in the way that an agent is selected for a call in an
agent surplus situation.
Advocate requires the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) feature to be enabled.
Advocate provides predictive and adaptive methods for contact centers that address three
fundamental questions in terms of how the most expensive resource of the center, its
agents, are used every time a call is handled.
What should this agent do next?
Advocate answers the question “What should this agent do next?” each time an agent
becomes available and calls are waiting in queue. The term “should” is used deliberately
because it implies a consideration of trade-offs in the decision. With Advocate, the answer
to this question does not come from executing a set of pre-programmed directives such as
“take the highest priority, oldest waiting call.” Such a fixed plan of attack considers nothing
in terms of consequences. Instead, Advocate understands the consequences of its choices
and the business objectives for each type of call.
Which agent should take this call?
Advocate answers the question “which agent should take this call?” when a call arrives and
there are available agents waiting for calls. Advocate can make this choice so that
workloads are distributed fairly across the agents, to eliminate “hot seats”. Advocate can
also promote fairer opportunities for compensation by delivering a predetermined mix of
calls to agents.
Does the contact center need to adjust its operations to bring
performance back to the desired level?
Advocate continuously evaluates the contact center's performance to determine “what
does the contact center need to adjust to bring performance back to the desired level?”
Advocate responds, down to the levels of an individual caller, when it detects that agent
resources should be used differently to prevent a caller's wait times from being too high or
to accomplish service level goals more consistently.