ACD contact center switch forms
322 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Number (1-32)
Enter a number. Default is blank. Entries in this field also can include the + and/or ?
wildcard. The + represents a group of digits. The ? represents a single digit. The field is
limited to 16 characters and these characters are restricted as follows:
You may enter only a plus sign (+), a question mark (?), or the numbers 0 through 9. No
other entries are valid.
You may enter one plus sign (+) as either the first or last character in the number field.
However, you cannot use this character as the sixteenth character of the number field.
You may use as many question marks (?) as you wish, anywhere in the number field.
You may not embed blanks in the number field.
You may leave the field entirely blank. If you leave the field blank, the switch will store
the entry as a null value.