VuStats Display Format (Category A only)
Issue 1.0 May 2003
VuStats Display Format field descriptions
Enter the data as required for the following fields on the form:
Format Number
The system generates a format number automatically when it creates a VuStats display.
You cannot change this number. You can create 50 different display formats. Format
Number 1 is a predefined sample format that you can modify.
Object Type
The type of object for which data will be displayed. Enter one of the following values: agent
(for staffed agents to view their own statistics), agent-extension (for other users to view
agent statistics), split/skill (default), trunk-group, or vdn.
Agent — Provides agents with their own statistics, or statistics about the splits/skills they
log into.
Agent-extension — Provides supervisors with statistics about agents or the splits/skills
the agents log into. VuStats can automatically display statistics for a specific agent (if
you administer agent login ID or BCMS/Vustats Login ID). Or, supervisors can enter the
ID of any agent they want to review.
Split/Skill — Displays statistics about a specific split/skill. You must administer the
split/skill as Measured (internal or both) on the Hunt Group form.
Trunk-group — Displays statistics about a specific trunk group. You must administer the
trunk group as Measured (internal or both) on the Trunk Group form.
VDN — Displays statistics about a specific VDN. You must administer the VDN as
Measured (internal or both) on the Vector Directory Number form.
Next Format Number
To link this display to another display, enter the number of the display format (between 1-
50) that should appear when a VuStats user presses the next button, or enter none
(default). In general, you only link displays with the same object type.
Update Interval
The interval, in seconds, between display updates. Enter one of the following values:
no-update – The display is not updated, and appears only for the interval specified in the
Display Interval field
polled – Updates the display hourly or half-hourly, based on the value in BCMS
Measurement Interval (System-Parameters Features form)
10 – Updates every 10 seconds
20 – Updates every 20 seconds
30 – Updates every 30 seconds