ACD contact center features
134 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers
Class of Restriction
Each VDN in the system has a COR associated with it. This VDN COR is used to
determine the calling permissions/restrictions, the AAR/ARS PGN, and the priority queuing
associated with a vector.
Code Calling Access
A VDN cannot be used as the argument to the code calling access feature access code.
If a
route-to number
command in a vector specifies the code calling feature access
code, vector processing continues at the next step.
A call to a VDN can be included as a party in a conference call only after vector processing
terminates for that call.
Data Restriction
Music will play on calls from data restricted extensions when the call receives music as the
result of a wait-time vector step.
Facilities Restriction Level
If a
command dials an external number via AAR/ARS, the FRL associated with
the VDN COR is used to determine the accessibility of a routing preference in an
AAR/ARS pattern.
Facility Busy Indication
The facility busy lamp indication for a VDN is always off. A facility busy button may be used
to call a VDN.
Facility Test Calls
If a
route-to number
command in a vector specifies a Facility Test Call, vector
processing continues at the next step.
Forced Entry of Account Codes
If a COR requiring entry of account codes is assigned to a VDN, the
route-to number
commands executed by the associated vector are unsuccessful and vector processing
continues at the next step.